Women's Ministry
We invite you to gather with women in our church and our community as together we seek to deepen our knowledge of who God is and expand our imaginations of who we can be when we whole-soul believe His words to us in scripture. BELIEVE Ministry to Women seeks to create atmospheres for ladies of all ages to gather in worship, service, prayer, and hearing from His word. We do this through distinct discipleship designed just for women.
Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord’s Word to her would be fulfilled. - Luke 1:45
Why is it important to take time to gather with other women?
Because it’s hard to hear God’s voice above the noise of everyday life.
Because meeting together spurs us on to “love and good works.” - Hebrews 10:24
Standing side by side with our sisters in Christ, worshiping, praying, and learning about our precious Savior makes us stronger.
When we attend BELIEVE gatherings, we physically remove ourselves from life’s distractions to make space for God. Even Jesus recognized the value and need to get away and to gather with others.
And it’s just plain fun to gather with other women!
Have questions or want to get involved? Contact…
Women’s Ministry: Karen Hensler
Ladies’ Bible Studies: Missy Stone