Men’s Bible Studies

Wednesday Nights - 7:00 pm - Room 207, Pastor’s Study
All men are invited! Study the Word, grow in your faith and connect with other men.

Contact George Lueking or Phil Hamlin for more information.


"When I grow up, I want to be just like my Dad!" How rewarding of a statement is this for fathers! But it is also a great responsibility to model for our children what a father should be and do. Father’s Groups are men practicing their Christian faith in practical ways to become the husbands and fathers as outlined in the Bible.

Each man commits himself to:

  1. Engage in a personal self-study of a weekly assigned Scripture PRIOR to the group meeting. – 2 Timothy 2:15

  2. Learn from other Team members’ insights from their similar study while at the group meeting. – Acts 2:42, and

  3. Most importantly, APPLY the learning through a specific weekly goal with accountability and prayer. – James 1:22-25. The main focus is practical application. It affirms the basic truth: Men learn best from personal application, accountability, and taking responsibility for their own spiritual growth.

Wednesday Nights - 7:07 pm - Room 513
Weekly schedule coincides with WCN Kids’ schedule.
Contact Robb Vogelmann for more information.

Men’s Saturday Morning Prayer

Every Saturday morning, men gather to pray and seek the Lord for our nation, families and God’s Will!

Contact Jerry Dockery for more information.

Discipleship Ministry

Jesus made disciples. At the end of His earthly ministry, he announced his departure, but encouraged his disciples that He would not leave them as orphans, but that He would live in them through the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-18). Discipleship opportunities are available for men one or one or in small groups.

Contact Pastor Dale for more information.

Sports Ministry

Basketball, softball, pickleball, volleyball, golf, and more. Men’s leagues and sports opportunities are available during various seasons.

Contact Pastor Teresa for more information.